落東落西嗎?我也是。所以我發明了一個 14 字口訣:
這口訣可以納入常見至少 90% 以上的常見感染部位,對於處理住院病人堪用有餘。但到底是是什麼意思呢?
以終為始(begin with the end in mind) by 史蒂芬・柯维
目標管理的最大好處是,它使管理者能夠控制他們自己的成績。這種自我控制可以成為更強烈的動力,推動他盡最大的力量把工作做好。—— 巴納德
......includes information that the healthcare provider observes or measures from the patient's current presentation, including 1) Vital signs and measurements, such as weight. 2) Findings from physical examinations, including basic systems of cardiac and respiratory, the affected systems, possible involvement of other systems, pertinent normal findings and abnormalities. and 3) Results from laboratory and other diagnostic tests already completed.
呼吸:24 次/分鐘 , 血壓:148/51 mmHg , SPO2:100 % , 脈搏:102 次/分鐘 , 疼痛:(0)面部表情安適|(0)無身體動作|(0)對於評估者的被動運動沒有阻力|(0)有呼吸器-呼吸器沒有alarm、呼吸器運作順利
GCS: E3V2M5 drowsy, and disoriented.
General-looking: ill looking
HEENT: mildly injected throat, ear drum intact, hoarseness
Heart: no murmur, regular heart beat
Chest : bilateral coarse breathing sound
Abdomen: flat and soft, hypoactive bowel sound
Extremitis: warm, freely movable
urinary incontinence
2017/08/29 16:23=174 mg/dl , 2017/08/29 10:24=218 mg/dl , 2017/08/29 07:09=187 mg/dl , 2017/08/28 20:30=317 mg/dl , 2017/08/28 16:27=212 mg/dl
我知道自己先看過病人很重要,但我常常到了 Bedside 不知道要問什麼,跟病人、家屬閒聊了二十多分鐘也沒抓到重點,要怎麼改善呢?
Clerk / Intern 因為臨床經驗不足,加上知識還沒有整合起來,所以每天光是要搞懂學長姐在講些什麼,在做些什麼,就已經很吃力,遑論還要自己去對病人作出評估
Assessment 和 Diagnosis 之間有什麼差別?
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(悲劇) |