【復仇者聯盟・無限之戰】中瓦干達王國用高科技變出一張防護罩,讓外面的人靠得再近也完全看不見王國裡面發生了什麼事情。現實生活中八大行業、酒促小姐、建築工、外籍移工離我應該沒有這麼遠?但我從來沒意識到他們的世界裡正發生著什麼。當我和朋友討論著最新的相機拍攝人像有多麽迅速方便,正有老了的建築工人透過在 Line 上發送自製長輩圖以防被人遺忘「就沒工作了」;當我可以考量回憶的重要性而多加五位數的預算聘請婚禮攝影、婚禮錄影,某個鋪路工人為了一個晚上多兩千元的薪水,開始用毒品提神、最終傾家蕩產 —— 我知道這種對比差距不是我的問題,但當作者把這樣的故事呈現出來,我實在沒有辦法繼續視而不見,也對自己的慾望不再那麼「心安理得」。
跟在華人圈裡知名度較大的福斯冰河健行比起來,塔斯曼冰河比較有名的是 Glacier Explorers 公司營運的塔斯曼冰河湖遊船(用船載你到因為冰河切割而行程的湖泊上轉一圈,摸摸小冰山、吃吃冰塊、拍拍照),我們也是冰河湖遊船結束後在庫克山 The Old Mountaineers 餐廳吃飯時,才意外知道原來塔斯曼冰河也有直升機健行的 Tour 可以參加。又恰好上個星期在西海岸的福斯冰河(Fox Glacier)因為天氣變化,提早結束健行感到意猶未盡,於是決定再參加一次。
A complex clinical syndrome that results from structural or functional impairment of ventricular filling or ejection of blood, which in turn leads to the cardinal clinical symptoms of dyspnea and fatigue and signs of HF (edema and rales)
Etiology of HF in patients with a preserved EF differs from that of patients with depressed EF, there is considerable overlap.
In industrialized countries, CAD has become the predominant cause in men and women and is responsible for 60–75% of cases of HF.
Hypertension contributes to the development of HF in 75% of patients,
including most patients with CAD. Both CAD and hypertension interact to augment the risk of HF, as does diabetes mellitus.
20–30% of the cases of HFrEF, the exact etiologic basis is not known, while a large number of cases of dilated cardiomyopathy are secondary to specific genetic defects
Recent advances in the evaluation and management of HF, the development of symptomatic HF still carries a poor prognosis.
Community-based studies indicate that
30–40% die within 1 year of diagnosis
60–70% die within 5 years
mainly from worsening HF or as a sudden event (eg. ventricular arrhythmia).
HF may be viewed as a progressive disorder that is initiated after an INDEX EVENT
Although the precise reasons why patients with LV dysfunction may remain asymptomatic is not certain, one potential explanation is that a number of compensatory mechanisms become activated in the presence of cardiac injury and/or LV dysfunction to sustain and modulate LV function for a period of months to years.
Heart Failure with a Reduced Ejection Fraction HFrEF的機轉
Myocardial relaxation is an adenosine triphosphate (ATP) dependent process that is regulated by uptake of cytoplasmic calcium into the SR by SERCA2A and extrusion of calcium by sarcolemmal pumps (see Fig. 265e-7). Accordingly, reductions in ATP concentration, as occurs in ischemia, may interfere with these processes and lead to slowed myocardial relaxation.
心肌細胞舒張是需要 ATP 的主動運動,所以如果心肌細胞因為某些原因 —— 缺血、缺氧、受損 —— 而使得細胞內的 ATP 濃度下降,心肌細胞的舒張就會不正常(OS:就像重量訓練完伸展是要主動做的)
Alternatively, if LV filling is delayed because LV compliance is reduced (e.g., from hypertrophy or fibrosis), LV filling pressures will similarly remain elevated at end diastole (see Fig. 265e-11).
An increase in heart rate disproportionately shortens the time for diastolic filling, which may lead to elevated LV filling pressures, particularly in noncompliant ventricles. Elevated LV end-diastolic filling pressures result in increases in pulmonary capillary pressures, which can contribute to the dyspnea experienced by patients with diastolic dysfunction.
In addition to impaired myocardial relaxation, increased myocardial stiffness secondary to cardiac hypertrophy and increased myocardial collagen content may contribute to diastolic failure. Importantly, diastolic dysfunction can occur alone or in combination with systolic dysfunction in patients with HF.